5️Localize content
Pass localized content to the plugin
You can customize the content of the plugin using below
Option 1 - Passing content to set method
style: {
'font-family': 'Arial'
localizeContent: {
selectService: 'Pick a service',
messageSendSuccess: 'Invitation sent to {0} people.'
Option 2 - Passing contet to setLocaleContent method
selectService: 'Pick a service',
messageSendSuccess: 'Invitation sent to {0} people.'
Available content references
selectService: "Select a service",
loadingText: "Loading...",
validatingInstallation: "Validating installation...",
genericCSVText: "Generic CSV",
genericVCARDText: "VCARD",
notificationText: "{0} contact(s) found!",
clearSearchResults: 'Clear search results for "{0}"?',
contactSelectionErrorText: "Please select atleast 1 contact.",
inviteMoreService: "Invite more? {0} or Want to choose another service? {1}",
clickHereText: "Click here",
noresultfoundText: "No result found!",
noContactsfoundText: "No contacts found!",
noContactsSelectedText: "No contacts selected!",
loadingFriendstext: "Loading friends...",
fetchingFriendsText: "Fetching friends...",
uploadFileText: "Click to upload {0} file",
preparingParseText: "Preparing {0} parsing...",
authenticatingText: "Authenticating please wait...",
popupblock: "Please make sure you browser doesn't block the authentication popup window.",
connectingText: "Connecting...",
verifyingText: "Verifying credentials...",
serviceDescriptionText: "Select one of the below service to begin importing contacts. {0} We will not store your password or login information.",
importContentText: "We found {0} contacts from your address book. Select the contact you'd like to connect to.",
importContentNoContactsText: "We found {0} contacts from your address book. Please try again.",
importUpdateText: "You have selected {0} out of {1} contacts, please click here to",
viewSelectedText: "view selected contacts.",
viewAllContactsText: "view all contacts.",
privacy: "Privacy: We do not store your email address or password information. Your information will be submitted securely to fetch your address book.",
searchResultText: "Found {0} contacts for the search",
viewAllText: "select more contacts.",
popupNoteText: "Note: Please make sure the popup is not blocked by browser.",
mailSubjectText: "Lets spread the word!",
mailDescriptionText: "Enter your predefined message here...",
toAddrErrText: "Enter to address",
loginError: "Invalid login or password.",
emailLabel: "Email",
passwordLabel: "Password",
signinTitle: "Sign in to your account",
signinText: "Sign in",
uploadErrText: "Please select a valid {0} file and ",
subjectErrText: "Enter subject",
messageErrText: "Enter message",
messageSendingText: "Message sending...",
invalidRequestErrText: "Invalid request: something went wrong.",
messageSendError: "Error sending message",
messageSendSuccess: "{0} invited.",
invalidRequest: "Invalid request",
recipientsLabelText: "Recipients",
subjectLabelText: "Subject",
messageLabelText: "Message",
backBtnText: "BACK",
backBtnToListText: "Back to contacts",
sendBtnText: "SEND",
proceedBtnText: "PROCEED",
cancelBtnText: "CANCEL",
exitBtnText: "EXIT",
doneBtnText: "CLOSE",
searchBtnText: "SEARCH CONTACTS",
exportBtnText: "EXPORT CONTACTS",
refreshBtnText: "REFRESH",
accountBtnText: "SWITCH ACCOUNT",
allServicesText: "All services",
importContactsText: "Import your contacts",
importFriendsText: "Invite your friends",
invitationSuccessText: "Invitation sent successfully!",
description: "We found {0} people from your {1} address book.",
notconfigured: "{0} not configured",
Last updated